Home [lane detection] traffic sign and traffic light detection utilizing yolov3 and hough transform

[lane detection] traffic sign and traffic light detection utilizing yolov3 and hough transform

term : 2022.05.10 ~ 2022.05.13


  1. 객체 인식
    1. data labeling
      • labelImg
    2. yolov3 training
      1. augmentation
      2. use pretrained darknet weights
      3. choose optimizer and loss method (SGD/Adam , bcelogloss/mseloss/cross entropy loss)
      4. optimize hyperparamter (lr, loss weight)
    3. convert yolov3 → darknet’s weights file
    4. convert darknet’s weights → onnx file
    5. onnx file → tensorRT file
  2. 차선 인식
    1. utilize detected object
    2. houghline transform
  3. path planning
    1. cte ( between detected lane mid position and mid position of image (320 pixel) )

아쉬웠던 점들

path planning

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